With your advance information, we can best ensure your comfort at the airport and on board our aircraft. Please let us know what assistance you require via the contact options at least 48 hours before departure. If you book a ticket by telephone or at a travel agency, please indicate your requirements there before you complete the booking. Please understand that we cannot guarantee the best assistance for bookings made at shorter notice.
Passengers requiring wheelchairs
Find out more about the services for Lufthansa City Airlines passengers who are dependent on a wheelchair at the airport and on board.
Booking and reservation
When you book your trip, you can help us to provide the service you need on the ground and during your flight. We require some advance information from you so that we can ensure your comfort at the airport and on board our aircraft. Please let us know what assistance you require at least 48 hours before departure to ensure you receive the best support. We can no longer guarantee the best assistance and support if you register at shorter notice.
Please let us know what assistance you require either by telephone or online. When booking tickets by telephone or at a travel agency, please indicate your needs before completing the booking.
Register your assistance requirements online via our partner Website from Lufthansa.
Register your assistance requirements by calling our partner Lufthansa 0 800 - 83 84 267.
Please note that, in principle, you are free to choose the seat that best meets your requirements. Please note, however, that for safety reasons there may be restrictions on your choice. Almost all seats on the Lufthansa City Airlines fleet have moveable armrests which make access to your seat easier. If you wish to use a seating device on your seat, then for safety reasons we must check the device beforehand. In such cases, please contact our Medical Operation Centre.
In addition, we can transport up to two mobility aids (e.g. wheelchair or walking frame) free of charge either in the cabin or in the hold.
Your own battery-powered wheelchair
If you are travelling with your own battery-powered wheelchair, you must ascertain in advance for safety reasons whether this battery may be carried on an aircraft.
Please complete the form below and email it to us at specialcases(at)dlh.de. Based on the details you provide, we will check whether it is possible to transport your battery-powered wheelchair.
Register your own battery-powered wheelchair (PDF form)
In the case of certain illnesses (e.g. heart / lung diseases, stroke, etc.), injuries following accidents or chronic ailments, an assessment of fitness for air travel must be obtained from Lufthansa's Medical Service.
Contact the Medical Operation Center if you have any questions about your health when travelling by air.
Lufthansa Medical Operation Center
MED (Advice for Medical Case) requests for all passengers that require a medical assessment beforehand
Daily, also on Sundays and holidays from 06:00 – 22:30h
E-mail: medicaloperation(at)dlh.de
PWD (Passengers with Disabilities) requests for all passengers that require mobile or other assitance when travelling
E-mail: specialservice(at)dlh.de
Monday until Friday: 08:30 - 20:00h
Saturday, Sunday, and holidays: 08:30 - 16:30h